Thursday, June 16, 2011

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  • purgan
    08-17 11:29 PM

    i support your efforts and have printed out and sent letters to the people mentioned. Momentum for release of information should build up even if we have 50-100 letters from affected people...otherwise people won't know of EB-3 IND's plight.

    I suppose we should followup with phone calls in 15 days to cement our request. We should have a poll on who all has sent the letter and made the call.

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  • Pineapple
    01-07 12:13 AM
    raysaikat, and others, can we call a truce and focus on the original intent of the thread? I am sure we can all agree that the top 5 % of the worst university (does not matter which, or where) are usually better than the bottom 5 % of the best university (again, does not matter).

    In my life, in our company, I've seen some of the sharpest brains around (PhDs working for the Russian defence before they defected in late 70's and early 80's) and some of the dumbest (a mechanical engineer who refused to believe me when I mentioned the sun was approximately 300000 bigger than the earth in terms of mass and 1000000 times bigger in terms of volume). Believe it or not, I've met a taxi driver who graduated from an Ivy League institution and used to work at NASA in 60s and 70s and worked on developing algorithms for decompressing transmissions. There are all sorts who make the world a pretty interesting, if unpredictable place. :)

    You never know whom you are sitting next to on the plane! ;)

    Rather than arguing over silly matters, perhaps we should focus on intelligent analysis and if necessary, rebuttal of arguments.

    We do not prove anything by arguing over IIT vs Osmania, or North Vs South, but merely conform the worst aspects of Prof. Wadhwa's sweeping generalizations.

    I, for one, have serious questions:
    A) The video was edited. It is a collection of sound bites. How do we know the context of the statements if we do not have the full transcript?
    B) We have no visuals of the charts and figures referred to by Prof Wadhwa.
    C) We have no access to the raw data used by Prof. Wadhwa. He may had published it, but I have not seen any of it. (Unless Macaca can ferret out the details.. if anyone can, he is the man!). I have, for instance, basic questions whether immigrants and foreign students were excluded when he (Wadhwa) was counting the openings filled and engineers graduated in US.

    I do not mean to offend anyone, nor am I commenting on any country, university, or anything.. so please do not misunderstand me. Let us focus on the what is more important.

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  • reddymjm
    09-10 10:28 AM
    Not quite true - this is done at 140 not 485

    Yes. By Law and by the Book. But I just saw in my friend circle. Most of them were US Masters.

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  • black_logs
    03-09 11:29 AM
    So they'll probably take out schedule A workers(Nurses etc.) from EB3 category


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  • insbaby
    07-06 01:33 AM
    oh that's easy stuff - I can do that :p sign me up. I love chicken parmesan at olive garden. There is just one problem. What do you want me to do after my lunch and before my evening flight. That's just waste of too much of my time. :rolleyes:

    It is a 3 hour lunch. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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  • srgadi
    07-15 08:46 PM
    Done. $10 for the two of us :)


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  • gccovet
    03-05 03:06 PM
    If I remember right, around July 2008, several people got soft LUD on their cases, there were 3-4 threads on these topic. All appeared to pre-adjudication process.


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  • DSJ
    07-06 01:15 PM
    Forgot in a hurry, it is updated now

    ok this is from Oh's website..pelase always quote source.


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  • gc_on_demand
    04-30 03:21 PM
    Will there be a voting today to decide to move further in this process ? OR commette chairman will decide based on hearing ...

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  • ravish_kaipa
    09-12 12:29 PM
    Here are my details.
    Confirmation Number: 5HL471558P745653V
    Amount $100


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  • mohanty99
    07-18 10:56 PM
    This seems very unfair to people who had earlier PDs (2004 & 2005) and who have waited so many years to file. Now, people with PDs in 2007 will jump ahead of them in the queue just because of this fiasco, juts because they filed earlier. :confused:

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  • isedkeem
    03-06 10:11 AM
    Sorry to hear about your ordeals. The good news is that EB3- ROW should move forward at a good clip in a few months - some estimates from a lawyer I talked to seem to indicate a jump into early 2006 by the end of this year, so hang in there and remember that it is darkest before dawn.
    If you are keen on a backup, have you considered immigrating to New Zealand? It is a great option if you need a peaceful life and the weather is just like California (unlike Canada) and they have universal health care too. For people who have worked in the US for a few years in recognized fields, NZ is quite easy to immigrate to and very quick. Your English seems to be quite good so I don't see why you should be so disheartened. I guess this advice also applies to Indians who are frustrated with the delays.
    Good luck!

    Immigrating legally to the U.S seemed like a gold opportunity when I was offered to work here six years ago with an H1B visa. As a matter of fact, all my friends and family considered that it would have been crazy not to take advantage of the "opportunity" to live and work in the most developed country on Earth.

    It's been six long years of challenges and learning experiences, but mostly it's been six years of financial distress, anxiety, paralysis and uncertainty.

    We applied for PR four years ago, but in the process my wife and I have eaten all our saving in lawyer fees - and at this point we're just one more number in the long list of EB3 applicants who don't have the remotest idea of when visa numbers will become available so we can have a normal life. I don't even consider traveling to my country cause I don't have the money to pay for APs for me and my wife. My career has been also frozen since I cant take promotions to higher positions that will fall off the job description stated in my PERM.

    If I had known about this ordeal, I would have never come to the US. I would have looked for other options, in countries that have a more sincere and generous immigration policies instead. If the US is not interested in allowing people to legally immigrate through visas based on employment, they simply should eliminate these visas and make clear that they don't want us to stay. Wouldn't that be easy for everyone?

    I would return to my country if we didn't have a nasty political turmoil and the social decay that comes with it. Yet, I feel that the days go by and our lives are entangled in this absurd situation.


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  • haddi_No1
    06-26 10:52 PM

    Building a Wall Against Talent

    By George F. Will
    Thursday, June 26, 2008; A19

    PALO ALTO, Calif. -- Fifty years ago, Jack Kilby, who grew up in Great Bend, Kan., took the electrical engineering knowledge he acquired as an undergraduate at the University of Illinois and as a graduate student at the University of Wisconsin to Dallas, to Texas Instruments, where he helped invent the modern world as we routinely experience and manipulate it. Working with improvised equipment, he created the first electronic circuit in which all the components fit on a single piece of semiconductor material half the size of a paper clip.

    On Sept. 12, 1958, he demonstrated this microchip, which was enormous, not micro, by today's standards. Whereas one transistor was put in a silicon chip 50 years ago, today a billion transistors can occupy the same "silicon real estate." In 1982 Kilby was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame, where he is properly honored with the likes of Henry Ford and Thomas Edison.

    If you seek his monument, come to Silicon Valley, an incubator of the semiconductor industry. If you seek (redundant) evidence of the federal government's refusal to do the creative minimum -- to get out of the way of wealth creation -- come here and hear the talk about the perverse national policy of expelling talented people.

    Modernity means the multiplication of dependencies on things utterly mysterious to those who are dependent -- things such as semiconductors, which control the functioning of almost everything from cellphones to computers to cars. "The semiconductor," says a wit who manufactures them, "is the OPEC of functionality, except it has no cartel power." Semiconductors are, like oil, indispensable to the functioning of many things that are indispensable. Regarding oil imports, Americans agonize about a dependence they cannot immediately reduce. Yet their nation's policy is the compulsory expulsion or exclusion of talents crucial to the creativity of the semiconductor industry that powers the thriving portion of our bifurcated economy. While much of the economy sputters, exports are surging, and the semiconductor industry is America's second-largest exporter, close behind the auto industry in total exports and the civilian aircraft industry in net exports.

    The semiconductor industry's problem is entangled with a subject about which the loquacious presidential candidates are reluctant to talk -- immigration, specifically that of highly educated people. Concerning whom, U.S. policy should be: A nation cannot have too many such people, so send us your PhDs yearning to be free.

    Instead, U.S. policy is: As soon as U.S. institutions of higher education have awarded you a PhD, equipping you to add vast value to the economy, get out. Go home. Or to Europe, which is responding to America's folly with "blue cards" to expedite acceptance of the immigrants America is spurning.

    Two-thirds of doctoral candidates in science and engineering in U.S. universities are foreign-born. But only 140,000 employment-based green cards are available annually, and 1 million educated professionals are waiting -- often five or more years -- for cards. Congress could quickly add a zero to the number available, thereby boosting the U.S. economy and complicating matters for America's competitors.

    Suppose a foreign government had a policy of sending workers to America to be trained in a sophisticated and highly remunerative skill at American taxpayers' expense, and then forced these workers to go home and compete against American companies. That is what we are doing because we are too generic in defining the immigrant pool.

    Barack Obama and other Democrats are theatrically indignant about U.S. companies that locate operations outside the country. But one reason Microsoft opened a software development center in Vancouver is that Canadian immigration laws allow Microsoft to recruit skilled people it could not retain under U.S. immigration restrictions. Mr. Change We Can Believe In is not advocating the simple change -- that added zero -- and neither is Mr. Straight Talk.

    John McCain's campaign Web site has a spare statement on "immigration reform" that says nothing about increasing America's intake of highly educated immigrants. Obama's site says only: "Where we can bring in more foreign-born workers with the skills our economy needs, we should." "Where we can"? We can now.

    Solutions to some problems are complex; removing barriers to educated immigrants is not. It is, however, politically difficult, partly because this reform is being held hostage by factions -- principally the Congressional Hispanic Caucus -- insisting on "comprehensive" immigration reform that satisfies their demands. Unfortunately, on this issue no one is advocating change we can believe in, so America continues to risk losing the value added by foreign-born Jack Kilbys.

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  • indyanguy
    11-30 06:43 PM

    Hi All,

    This is a nice thread. Found all the answers I was looking for. Still some lingering doubts in my head::)))

    So, has anyone started working on EAD for their/or spouse's LLC?

    Don't know

    Why cant I work on my H1B instead( for my spouse's company )? That would take away some risk. Wouldnt it??

    USCIS scrutinizes H1s from startups/small companies. They might ask you to prove Ability to pay and if the company is still in it's infant stage, this might be difficult.

    Do we need to submit any tax docs( for the new company I would be moving to) when we apply for the AC21 or at any later stage??

    AFAIK, they don't ask for any tax docs when you apply for AC21.

    Can someone please answer?

    -Thanks in advance


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  • waitnwatch
    09-05 08:06 PM
    I remember that in the early nineties it was next to impossible to get a home loan in India. I think the only company which gave out home loans was HDFC and the interest rate was a whopping 16%. Property prices at that time conformed to what people could actually afford as the house had to be either paid in full or you had to take out a loan from your provident fund.

    Fast forward to 2000 and beyond. After the Indian rupee became fully convertible and the banking regulations were relaxed every bank or finance company started to make loans. The upshot of that is that everyone could buy a house and car through taking out loans. This of course created this huge demand for new housing from the middle class which translated into a steep increase in land and property prices.

    This may not exactly be a total bubble as loans are there to stay. What is happening though is that home construction is going on at a rapid pace and at some point Indian cities and their suburbs may be overbuilt. At that point you would be stuck with your house and not be able to sell as is happening in the US. Of course some markets will correct but I donot think Bombay, Bangalore or Hyderabad will.

    I'm a a total layman regarding such issues and I am just trying to reason this through.

    Is is sad. All these NRIs are going to learn a very valuable lesson. Speculation is not a good strategy for investing. A lot learned that in the past few months here in USA. In a year we will be seeing the full blown post bubble correction in India. If one can rent an apartment for 15,000 why would one buy it for 50 lakhs. The interest alone on 50 lakhs is 50,000 every month. It is like buy and rent it and loose money. Instead why don't they deposit in a bank and get 50,000 every month:confused:

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  • never_giveup
    08-14 10:45 AM
    I have been reading your suggestions about visiting DC and/or organizing flower campaign. They are good suggestions and I really liked the flower campaign when it was first done in 2007. But I think, repeating it and sending bunches of flowers to the offices of senators would not influence them as much.

    Instead I think, if we can all send some donations to a charity which each of these senators is associated to, it would help the charities and might also influence the senators/congressman more. This will also serve as a reminder about the positive contributions of the immigrant community to this country.

    I would welcome suggestions from other experienced members on how this can be implemented. But my initial thoughts are, we identify the senators/congressman(woman) we want to contact, select a local charity, or a charity to which these people are associated with, and send in checks of 5 or 10 dollars per person to each of these charities.
    Even if each of us is willing to contribute $100, we might be able to reach 10-20 of these lawmakers. And there is nothing we are losing here even if the lawmaker turns a blind eye to our cause. The money will be used for charity and so it serves some purpose.

    And along with the donations, we can request them to support the Visa Recapture Bill, which will help all of us.

    And my EB2 friends, we need your help also, as you never know how these dates can change in the coming months. Nothing is done and over untill you get the physical card. Dont mean to dampen your spirits, but you and I know what the truth is.

    Let me know if there are any takers for this.


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  • Keeme
    03-04 12:34 PM
    Not sure if something is cooking at USCIS, last week an USCIS office called my attroney to get clarification on why we (my wife and I) are residing at separate addresses. We are in the process of relocation (company moved), my wife chose to continue her employment while she's searching for opportunities in the new location. The officer stated that they are trying to adjudicate the cases ASAP, hence he's inquiring to ensure there isnt any marriage fraud. My attorney responsed back will all the possible evidence to proved we are together.

    Has anyone had a similar experience.

    My PD: Aug 2004
    Cat: EB3 India.

    A soft LUD today 03/04 on my/wife's I-485 application.

    I see lot of cases of EB2-I with PDs of 2005/06 and EB3- I with PDs 2003/04 have recentely received LUDs/RFEs.

    Let's wait what next visa bulletin says !

    Any one else with recent LUDs on their I-485s ?

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  • pappu
    09-09 09:01 PM

    I work at NPR and joined recently. I am going to work with my manager next week and convince them to get coverage for our rally.

    That will be wonderful. Thanks

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  • digital2k
    05-07 04:20 PM
    It feels great to have called everyone and making sure friends call as well ..

    Pls Don't wait any longer, pick up your phone and be part of it NOW
    Make sure you motivate others also
    Let those phones be busy for the GOOD

    For your convenience here are all the details : (

    This is The call
    Don't miss the chance

    IV and We suceeded in July, 2 Year EAD and many more ...

    Pls pick up the phone and do your bit

    IV is YOU and is Your Best Friend

    07-06 09:14 AM
    I think it is time we threw away the concept that democracy is the best.
    Look at Obama the socialist and anti-immigrant law makers in this country who are playing to the gallery. Are they doing any good for this country ?

    I always prefer an open self nominated leader to a democratically elected leader.

    OP should work with IV core/even get involved in a serious conversation with core team to promote his ideas. I am sure core is open to suggestions and entertain discussions from well meaning members.

    01-03 03:05 PM
    This thread is long time coming, and thank you for starting this. This is a question often discussed in friend circles, but most people I know hesitate to take a position. I think the anonymity of this forum will let us express ourselves more honestly...

    When I came to the US 6 years ago, I had deliberately made the decision not to decide in the first couple of years about staying on or returning back after sometime. I had seen too many friends and relatives who all said "don't worry, we'll back in a couple of years" and never made it back. Marriage, kids, school, house, kinds of gets on you. And before you know, your kids are making the decision for you. I know of a couple of families with grown up kids who moved back to India only to move back to US because the "kids could not adjust". It's not hard to read between the lines that "we also could not adjust".

    As days go by, it is becoming more clear everyday that I will also return back one day, sooner rather than later. I have some questions that haunt me:
    - if/when I get my GC, and if I return back, is there a way to hold on to the GC status?
    - if someone has a US citizenship, when companies such as Infosys hire them, do they have to get a work visa or something? Is there a concept equivalent of H1/GC for non Indians yet?

    When my son was in 3rd grade, he was asked a question ...who were the pilgrims from your family. I told him it was his parents.

    I presume just like the first pilgrims in USA had a lot of struggle, similarly we too are in the same boat....a time will come when we all will get our GC's....however the true beneficiary of the GC will be our children and our benefit will come by seeing our children getting that benefit. However, we all seem to be living better off than the 1st pilgrims...we are living more comfortably, driving good cars and have homes, enjoying the US dream to some extant....Even now if you go to your home are considered a wealthy guy.....even if you have less money in your bank than your counterparts in India or other places...this is due to the standard of living in USA is expensive.

    With the global economy and Infosys hiring US Citizens, I am not sure where where the job market is going, but I feel for the next 50-60 years US is still the place to live, since it has a very strong economy. With that perspective I believe a little struggle is acceptable.....

    GC is out there for all of us...keep the hope alive...

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